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The Best Tattoo Tribal Gallery - Tips for new tattoos

Sunday, August 29, 2010

You have decided that you want a tribal wing tattoos but you aren't necessarily sure how to start your research. This type of tattoo has become quite popular with tribal tattoo lovers. But before you head down to your local tattoo parlour and drop your hard earned money, you may want to do some research first. The truth is this research can mean the difference between a great tattoo that you're happy with or a disappointing tattoo. Would you like to know more?

The Best  Tattoo Tribal Gallery - Tips for new tattoos

My biggest concern is that I don't want you to do what everyone else does and that is start your research for artwork by using Google images. Google images isn't a bad place for ideas, but because everyone uses this method you run the risk of duplicating someone else's tattoo. And I am sure that isn't what you want.

The Best  Tattoo Tribal Gallery - Tips for new tattoos

The best piece of advice I can give you is to invest in a paid tattoo site. A paid tattoo site gives use so many resources before you get your tattoo. You will gain access to artists that specialize in tribal tattoo artwork. You can work with one of these artists to come up with something unique for your new ink. You also gain access to a huge community of tattoo enthusiasts that will be able to answer any questions or concerns you may have. These paid tattoo sites also have reviews of local tattoo parlors so you can find the right parlor for your new tribal tattoo.

The Best  Tattoo Tribal Gallery - Tips for new tattoos

The Best  Tattoo Tribal Gallery - Tips for new tattoos

Chest Tattoo - The Best Tattoo Tribal Gallery

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Much like back tattoos, its relatively common to see tattoos on the chest as well, some of which are small tattoo designs but more commonly you will see a large piece of tattoo artwork or numerous collaborated tattoo designs on a chest.

Checkout these celebrities with tattoos on their chest, Robbie Williams has the phrase "chacun à son goût", Ozzy Osbourne has a dragon and a skull on his chest, Lenny Kravitz also has a rather large dragon and Dennis Rodman has two bulls and some tribal tattoos on his chest.

See these pictures of chest tattoos below.
Chest Tattoo - The Best  Tattoo Tribal Gallery Chest Tattoo - The Best  Tattoo Tribal Gallery Chest Tattoo - The Best  Tattoo Tribal Gallery Chest Tattoo - The Best  Tattoo Tribal Gallery

Some other famous people with chest tattoos include, Pete Doherty with "Baby ---" on his chest, Marc Anthony has small cowboy design, Eve has two well placed paw prints, and Tommy Lee has two large tribal lion tattoos on his chest.

Chest Tattoo - The Best  Tattoo Tribal Gallery Chest Tattoo - The Best  Tattoo Tribal Gallery Chest Tattoo - The Best  Tattoo Tribal Gallery Chest Tattoo - The Best  Tattoo Tribal Gallery

Both NBA superstars Carmelo Anthony and LeBron James have several tattoos on their chest, Joan Jett has a unique Y shaped tattoo on her chest and Billie Joe Armstrong has a car, skull and other tattoos on his chest.

Chest Tattoo - The Best  Tattoo Tribal Gallery Chest Tattoo - The Best  Tattoo Tribal Gallery Chest Tattoo - The Best  Tattoo Tribal Gallery Chest Tattoo - The Best  Tattoo Tribal Gallery
I hope you enjoy these great pictures of famous people who have chest tattoos.

Arm Tattoos For Men - The Best Tribal Tattoo Gallery

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Arm Tattoos For Men - The Best Tribal Tattoo GalleryThe arm tattoos for men seem to be an expression of our tough and rough side. For us guys, we would love to think that the ladies find it sexy and charming. As you may have noticed, the tats in the arms are easily seen as compared to other body parts. You can find a lot of men with body arts on their upper arm and arm sleeves. The designs also vary like tribal, skulls, and many others.

Arm tats are timeless and even though a lot of men are into back and chest tattoos, arm bands are always trendy. Whether you have a conservative or rebellious personality, this is a great addition to your physical features. Here are great design tips for your arm tattoos:

1. Flames
2. Fire-breathing dragons
3. Tribal designs
4. Skulls
5. Scorpions

More and more people are now willing to experiment on tats. Getting a tattoo is really easy. If you want, you can use the internet to locate body art shops in your area. Find a safe and reputed body ink artist in your area. The artist can provide you with great tips on the right designs. Always consider your personality when choosing the appropriate design. If you're funky or sporty, you can experiment on the most suitable body inks.

Price is another consideration when getting a tat. The quality body ink artists usually charge a reasonable price and this will depend on the area where you want the tat to be. For the arm tattoos for men, the charge is usually lower as compared to the chest or back tats. You can shop around for the best deals but here's a tip - never sacrifice quality with a low price.

The designs mentioned earlier as only some of the most poplar. There are still many other designs in the market that you can choose from like angels, heart, fairy, dolphin, nautical star, tiger, koi fish, and many others.

Men should spend some time in looking for the perfect arm tat that will suit their personality. Thanks to the internet, looking for the perfect body art is really easy. Conduct your search online by using any of the major search engines to find the arm tattoos for men. There are many websites on body arts that you can visit. This is your chance to find the best arm tattoos in the market. Go ahead and find a reputed body artist. If you can find one in your local area the better since you don't have to go someplace else.

Girl's Foot Tattoos

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Girl's Foot Tattoos-1
Girl's Foot Tattoos-2

By now, most people should know that tattoos are as much for girls as they are for men. The foot is a great place for a girl to have a tattoo, and there are many designs that will look great on the feet. This type of tattoo is becoming increasingly popular among girls of all ages. There are many reasons why a girl may want a foot tattoo and here are a few points to consider.

Here are a few of the benefits of a Foot Tattoo

One simple fact is that they are not as common as other tattoos that girls usually get, like the lower back tattoo or arm tattoos for women. This makes you feel unique and helps you to stand out.

Another great reason for a foot tattoo would be that you could hide it easily. You will find that some employers will frown on tattoos, and having one that you can hide will make your life a lot easier if you work or are trying to work for a company like that. It will also let you have a more personal tattoo that you can show off when you want too.

Custom Virgin Mary Tattoo Sleeve

Thursday, August 26, 2010

virgin mary tattooHer tattoos were absolutely beautiful. What you think about this tattoo? Choosing best tattoo for your sleeve. Feel free to read and wacth my blog.

Review and Tips For Rib Cage Tattoos

Thursday, August 26, 2010

extreme rib cage tattoosRib Cages are one of the largest areas for tattoos. This area is also an ideal place to get huge design ideas inked and usually takes multiple appointments with your favorite artist. It is a great place for a person who does not want it to be seen at work. Or who wants more details or multiple tattoo designs combined into one.

The rib cage is a big area so choice of design is important too. Since it takes more than one sitting to complete, it gives you a chance to change your mind or not finish the tattoo. You must be committed to have it finished. You should look into your past and future to find a rib cage tattoo design that represents who you are so you can be proud of it for the rest of your life.

The rib area has very little natural padding in the form of tissues or fat. This fact makes it one of the most painful places to get a tattoo inked. The size of this area means that the pain will have to be endured for a longer period of time. People who see your tattoo in this location will know about the pain and commitment involved with that choice.

It is important to find a highly qualified tattoo artist for work in the rib cage area. He has to have done some in this location before. You do not want to be his or her first one. They should have pictures that you can see. I would watch them work for a bit to see how they work. They have to be consistent for a few sitting so his work can not be good one day and not the next. If you don't think they are good enough then check out another. Do not be in a hurry to have your rib cage tattoo.

I have a lot of respect for people who choose to get a rib cage tattoo inked. I do not know if I could take the time and pain of getting a tattoo in that area. The price can be painful as well. The large size of that tattoo area demands a high price tag. People who get one usually do not care about the price, time or pain they just want their ideas to come alive as a tattoo on their ribs.

I am thinking of getting one done if I can find the time and money. Rib cages are one of my favorite areas for a tattoo. I have a few designs picked out already but I am in no big hurry. One day soon I may be the proud owner of an awesome well thought out design on my favorite area for tattoos.

Feminine and Beautiful Bird Tattoo Designs For Girls

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Bird tattoos can be beautiful and feminine on girls as these creatures are naturally beautiful and fascinating. Birds can be meaningful as they are seen as symbol of the spirit and look upon traditionally as mediators between the gods and men.


There are several kinds of birds that can be used as tattoo designs for girls. Here are some of them and the meaning they represent.

Sparrow in the Old Testament is viewed as the symbol of solitude and loneliness while in the New Testament, it is look upon as a representation of lowliness and insignificance. In Greek mythology however, it is linked to the goddess Aphrodite and is associated with fertility. In Japan, sparrow is seen as a symbol of loyalty because of its sociable nature.

Swallow is a symbol for spring, renewed life and fertility. In Africa, it is seen as a symbol of purity while in China, two swallows represent marital happiness.

Dove represents peace, soul innocence, gentleness and purity. Two doves together are seen as symbol of marital love and fidelity.

Swan can connote trust and submission. In Greek mythology, it is also associated with the goddess Venus.

Stork is seen as the bird delivering the babies. Thus, it is associated with spring and birth.

Parrot symbolizes spring and fertility as well as imitation due to its ability to mimic. In Hinduism, it is associated with Karma, love, prophecy and rainmaking.

Crane is seen in China as a good omen, a messenger of the gods and the bearer of love and happiness. It connotes high status, longevity, spiritual enlightenment and immortality.

So there you go, some tips and ideas for bird tattoos for yourself. All you have to do is to finalize your bird tattoo design and make an appointment with your tattoo artist.

Lower Back Tribal Tattoos - Magical Historical Roots

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Lower back tribal tattoos have become very popular in recent modern times, this article explains why.


For centuries we have painted ourselves with tattoos and recently the appearance of this body art form has exploded in popularity with great numbers of people getting themselves inked.

There are a variety of different styles in tattoo design from crude home made forms using a bottle of shop bought ink and a sewing needle to highly sophisticated methods involving the latest colors of ink and very quick needle guns employed by professional tattooists. They get the job done in record time and some of these tattooists are close to being the modern equivalent of a Michelangelo or Pablo Picasso.

What is achieved by the tattoo artists using their great designs and colored ink is quite remarkable.

Why do folk settle for getting inked with historical designs that are normally in the single colors of henna or black? The answer like most things is multi faceted and the roots of which begin in the mists of time itself. Historically, before we communicated properly with speech, we used this art form as a way of communicating with each other.

Many of us will have seen cavemen animal drawings on cave walls and the depiction was normally so good we could tell which animals they were. Drawing on their bodies became a natural extension of that art form. The inked body drawings would tell of great victories and other notable events.

The leaders of the tribe would have special designs that would depict their standing within the community and the most effective place for the tribal back tattoos was on the back so that they could be followed into battle or when hunting for animals. It was a case of follow the leader in those days and those generals led from the front rather than being safely deployed behind their troops which is the case in modern day wars.

Lower back tribal tattoos have become popular with women as they have a flattering effect on the shape of a woman's body. The waist is given the illusion of being smaller whereas the hips appear to be enhanced giving an overall more shapely appearance.

Men often prefer their tribal back tattoos on the upper back which again enhances the body shape appearance by giving the effect of widening the shoulders, reducing the waist and giving the impression of the classic V shape.

Butterfly Tattoo Designs - The Meaning Behind the Buttefly

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Butterfly tattoo designs are some of the most popular tattoos, as well as some of the most beautiful designs. Although more women than men choose butterfly tattoos, some men have them as well. Butterfly tattoo designs can range anywhere from looking like natural butterflies to stylized fantasy or tribal style butterflies. The vast assortment of butterfly tattoo designs means that no matter what your personal taste or your reason for wanting a tattoo you can likely find a design that you love.


The butterfly itself is a beautiful creature, displaying perfect symmetry, astounding colors, beautiful shapes and a light, airy motion. Capturing the natural beauty of a butterfly in a tattoo can result in some of the most beautiful tattoo designs that overflow with warmth, richness and color.

If you look deeper than just the outside appearance of a butterfly you will find deep, symbolic meaning. Butterflies mean many different things to different cultures, though everything they are associated with is positive and uplifting.

Most commonly butterflies are used to symbolize change or transformation. Just as the caterpillar transforms into a butterfly, a butterfly tattoo can symbolize a personal transformation in your life or a change that you are undertaking. Many people who choose butterfly tattoos choose them because they symbolize a new life or new beginning. It may be that you have started a new phase of your life, or left an old one behind. Personal change or transformation can have a life altering impact and you may want to capture it and honor it with a butterfly tattoo.

Even with the symbolism that is often attached to butterflies, sometimes a butterfly tattoo is just a butterfly tattoo and doesn't have any underlying meaning for the person who got it. Appreciating the beauty of the art without needing to assign meaning to it is absolutely fine. Sometimes the beauty of the design itself is what holds meaning for us.

As with any tattoo, the most important thing in deciding to get a butterfly tattoo is that you love the design that you have chosen and that it holds a special meaning for you - whether that meaning is deep and profound or whether it is just that you think it is beautiful and want to showcase the artwork on your body. As long as when you look in the mirror and see your tattoo it makes you smile then you will know you have made the right choice. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks of your tattoo - what matters is that it makes you happy.

Girl Tattoos - Sexy Designs Girls Love!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Tattoos use to be a mark of rebellion.. now a fashion accessory. While tattoos are mostly applied to men, many girls have started to show how sexy and feminine tattoos can be.


Usual places for a man to have a tattoo is on the chest, shoulder or upper arm. Girls fashion can be some what revealing, so having a tattoo on those parts can limit a girls wardrobe if it needs to be hidden. Girls have to consider weather the tattoo will look good when wearing a bikini or wedding dress. Which means they are generally more careful, making sure that a tattoo is easily concealed in professional clothing.

Before searching for a sexy girl tattoo, deciding where it will be on the body is the first step. Popular places for girls are on the lower back, between the shoulder blades and below the belly button. These positions seem to reflect the latest fashion as they can be easily covered up or put on show. Avoid having a tattoo on the upper chest or breast. Pregnancy or late age can cause the tattoo to stretch and become ruined.

Sexy girl tattoo designs are often butterflies, flowers, shooting stars, dolphins and cute fairies. Although it's exciting getting a tattoo, time should always be taken to pick a design. Hundreds of people have rushed in and just picked a design from the tattoo parlors books, to then find they don't really like it or their friend got the exact same design the day before.

Be Craze Generation with Lower Back Tattoo

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

There are several different tattoos shapes and designs that are available out there. With the changing trends each day in terms of designs and colors, there is something more. You can see numerous additions in the list of preferred tattoo painting spots of the beautiful ladies too. Low back is on the hit list or say on the hot list. Lower back happens to be the first priority of every woman for having the lovely designs.

There are many reasons for that. Women can hide these tattoos, they can be easily shown when needed and last but not the least these tattoos are looks very sexy on the lower back. Lower back tattoo is simply great and if it is done perfectly, it adds to the sparkling look of your waist line. A lower back tattoo is simply eye-catching. Any one can see them, if you are wearing a pair of jeans or skirt and a short top.

When you are on to a hot dancing night, adorn yourself with a short t-shirt and show off the shimmering tattoo design to have a magnetizing effect on the crowd. When you are on to a beach side picnic, a lower back tattoo does wonders for your pleasure vacation.

Normally you can look chic and classy in a tattoo that has been done on any where on your body but should be perfectly done. However, tattoos done on lower back just look very sexy and are preferred for their ultimate sex appeal as compared other body parts.

The tattoos add to the exquisiteness of the thin lines of the back. Many women also have a tattoo on the arc of their upper buttocks cheeks, even these are on the list of sexy spots. To enhance the attractiveness, you should go for simple and unique tattoo for your lower back. Small designs look much more appealing and striking rather than those with huge ones.

Sexy Lower Back Tribal New Tattoo – Locating Quality Artwork and Tribals

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Picking the right lower back tribal tattoo can be a tedious and difficult decision to make. Most people will end up settling on some generic, cookie cutter design, though, simply because they are in a rush to get tattooed. Needless to say, many of them end up regretting what they get because of this. Well, here is how to avoid that, while finding tons of the quality lower back tribal tattoo design you are after.

Let’s start things off with a crucial point. Many people (95%) will rely solely on search engines to locate the tattoos they want. This would be a great idea if search engines actually showed you where the great galleries are that have a quality lower back tribal tattoo database, but they don’t. What usually pulls up are low end galleries that have the exact same generic content as two hundred other websites. They are put up random images in a hurry, because they want to get as much artwork on their gallery as fast as they can. They don’t really care about the quality of the art they post.

This is the only kind of gallery that come up when using a search engine, which his why so many people end up sifting through tons of bland artwork and end up picking one, because they are tired of the long search. This is no way to go about getting tattooed. It doesn’t matter if there are thousands of generic lower back tribal tattoo designs in front of you. You should keep looking until you find “exactly” what you want. Your tattoo will be on your skin for a very long time, so why wouldn’t you want to keep going until you find the perfect one for yourself?

Gun tattoos collection

Sunday, August 22, 2010

gun tattooGun tattoos collection

tatoo guns

gun tattoSmall Gun tattoos

Flower, Star and Butterfly Tattoo Designs - Favorite Girl Tattoos of All Time

Friday, August 20, 2010

Girls never get tired of flowers, butterfly and stars as tattoo designs for their body art. With society easing up on ladies who want to get their fair share of ink art, tattoo parlors are seeing a significant increase of women among their clients. Tattoos are no longer just a symbol of strength and masculinity but they also represent daintiness and femininity. The general rule when it comes to tattoos for women is to keep the design relatively smaller accentuated with vibrant and playful colors.

Flower, Star and Butterfly Tattoo Designs - Favorite Girl Tattoos of All Time

Stars Tattoos

Stars have long been symbols used in mythology and religion. Their inclusion as heavenly bodies only helped to bolster their mysteriousness. The star is often inextricable with religion. The early Christians used the 5-pointed star as a symbol of good health. The 6-pointed star or more commonly known as the Star of David is a symbol for the Jewish faith. Other adorable star designs are the shooting star and the trail of stars. The shooting star is used to symbolize luck and success. The trail of stars can be recreated with a bunch of small stars so that it resembles the night sky.

Flower, Star and Butterfly Tattoo Designs - Favorite Girl Tattoos of All Time

Flower Tattoos

A woman's love for flowers is not only contained for the ones that grow in the garden. There are ladies who choose to have a particular flower permanently printed on their skin because of their meaning. Orchids are prized tropical flowers. These flowers represent mysterious women and are often synonymous to love, passion and intimacy.

Hibiscus and cherry blossoms are flowers whose bloom that can only survive for a short period of time. For this reason, women would like to immortalize this frail symbol of beauty. They represent love, charm and beauty.

Lilies are the ancient symbol for majesty and purity. This image is due to the Virgin Mary often depicted as carrying a bunch of lilies or being near them. There are different varieties of lilies including the tiger lily and lily of the valley.

Butterfly Tattoos

You will rarely find a girl who has a tattoo of a bug on her back. The fact is that women aren't huge fans of insects except for the butterfly. Butterflies symbolize a woman who has morphed into a lovely creature who is ready to fly.

A butterfly tattoo is very versatile. A black and white butterfly will have the same appeal as one that has countless of colors. You can also combine your butterfly tattoos with other designs such as flowers and vines. There are countless designs that you can come up with; you are only bounded by your own imagination.

Sweet Miss. Ponixem with Butterfly Tribal Tattoo Design in her Muluz Sexy Arm

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Sweet Miss. Ponixem with Butterfly Tribal Tattoo Design in her Muluz Sexy Arm

Flowers are perhaps the among the strongest object used to symbolized women and tattoos are not any different. For centuries, women have been coming up with more creative and illustrious flower tattoo ideas to add to those that are already in existence. One of the main reasons for this is flower tats will never be out of style in any day and age. What this means is, these tattoos and ideas will be around and tattooed by women all over the globe in years to come yet.

When it comes to flowers, there are really no limitations as to what can be tattooed. No matter what, flower tats will almost always look great on a woman especially when tattooed by an experienced tattoo artist/tattoo parlor using quality tattooing techniques. What this means is there are really no right or wrong when it comes to flower tat ideas. It is more a question of whether these designs suit the woman in question. We do have some flower tattoo ideas to help out women out there wanting to get one (or even in multiples).

First of all, the most obvious would be to choose between a black inked flower tat or a colored flower tat. While flower tats can still look good in black, flowers do bring out the life in these flowers especially when the flower tattoo ideas and designs are in 3D.

Next, flower tattoo ideas can also revolve around the type of flower itself. Although the most common and popular flower used in tattoos are roses, there are also many other flowers that have been tattooed and actually with great results to boot. They can include (but not limited) to orchids, sunflowers, morning glories, lilies and sunflowers.

Flower tattoo ideas can also come in the form of the number of flowers used in the design. For instance, a single rose may look good but when coupled with another bud, it can have adverse effects. On the same note, bouquets or bunches of flowers can also have positive effects. These flower tat ideas may also include other objects or even an image of a person on it. Guns, skulls, sun, women or body part can go well with these flower tats.

Flower Tribal Tattoo Design Tattooed in the Right Arm of A Sexy Mexican Man

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Tattoo is an art used to express ones individual personality. This art work is done by inserting ink into the layers of skin via needles to change pigment for decorative and religious reasons. Tattoo artists have come up with wide varieties of tattoo designs. Tattoos are not only attractive but they also symbolize the inner meaning. Flower tattoo designs are most favored by women. Flower tattoo designs indicate beauty and youth. Floral tattoo designs come in different shape, size and colors. Depending on the body part where tattoo is done, people can choose their favorite flower designs.

Flower Tribal Tattoo Design Tattooed in the Right Arm of A Sexy Mexican Man

Among flower tattoos, rose is preferred by most of the women. Rose is believed to represent both inner and outer beauty. Rose tattoo is also associated with love. A rose tattoo with a thorn indicates that love is very delicate and should be handled very carefully or else it may be very painful. Different colors of the roses are linked to different meanings. Red rose implies true love and passion; pink rose is an indication of elegance and gentleness; yellow rose depicts friendship and black rose tattoo indicates death of the love relationship and sorrow.

Sunflower tattoo attracts people's attention due to its bright vibrant yellow color. Sunflower always positions itself to face the sun. This symbolizes worship. A big sunflower tattoo is a symbol of loyalty and a small sunflower tattoo implies adoration.

Lily's long white petals symbolize purity. According some religion, the shape of the lily flower represents erotic love and reproduction. The calla lily is a symbol of beauty, the orange lily denotes hatred and the tiger lily is a symbol of pride and power.

Heart Tribal Tattoo Design Tattooed in the Sexy Foot of A Madiunese Woman

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Heart Tribal Tattoo Design Tattooed in the Sexy Foot of A Madiunese Woman

There are great differences among tattoos in today's world, which is why they represent a great way by which to express your individuality. You are in control of deciding what kind of tattoo you want and where on your body you want to display it. This means that what may be the best one for you, may not suit other people at all. But don't despair if you are still not entirely certain just what part of your body you want to have a tattoo on. You may consider a foot tattoo. These kinds of tattoos are very popular these days.

Here are some things to consider:

Tattoo sessions on the foot tend to be more painful, as a rule. The reason is due to the fact that the skin is close to the bone. And the closer the bone is to the skin, the more painful a tattoo will be. Tattoos on the foot, though, will be smaller, so you won't have to put up with the pain for long.

Foot tattoos are also more easily concealed than any other kinds. If you hope to have a professional job some day, concealment might come in handy, since in professional jobs tattoos are usually not in. So your ability to conceal a foot tattoo is a good thing.

But you should be aware of the fact that during the healing process you can't enclose your tattooed foot in a shoe, so open shoes are in order. The healing time for a tattoo is usually 2 to 3 weeks. If you can't avoid wearing shoes, then keep in mind that you must have 2 pairs of light socks on.

Did you know that a foot tattoo is considered sexy? There are many opinions about the types of tattoos that look good on people. The thing about foot tattoos is that even people who don't as a rule like tattoos, seem to like them on the foot.

Foot tattoos are likely to need touching up from time to time. The reason for this is due to extra exposure to conditions less favorable than on other parts of your body. A foot tattoo may also spread and end up looking blurry.

Star designs or words or even flowers are popular foot tattoos. But there is no reason why you can't engage your tattoo artist to help you create something really different. If you do want a larger and more complex tattoo than those in the ordinary runs of the mill, keep in mind that these will be more painful and more expensive, too.

Tribal Tattoo Pictures To Choose From

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

There are plenty of websites where you can find tribal tattoo pictures if you are thinking of having one. Tribal tattoo pictures can help you decide which one to have on your skin. Aside from checking online tribal tattoo pictures you can also ask to see the tattoo designs of the shop or artist you choose to get your tattoo from.


People have different intentions why they want to have tattoos. Some have them for sex appeal. We can't deny the fact that there is something terribly sexy about tattoos especially if they are inked in a specific place like the arms, at the back, or legs. Choosing the right design to have is crucial as well as its location. Detail and color that can catch someone's attention is also important.

Other people use tattoo as a medium to express their individuality, their beliefs and sometimes the current state of their emotions. IF you are having tattoos for this reason, you might want to think very carefully about what you put in your skin for having a tattoo is almost a permanent thing. Should you decide to have it removed, it will cost you. Statement tattoos should be done in a very tasteful and classic design that will not go out of style after some time. It should also be a true representation of your beliefs and convictions, something you live by and you truly understand.

Tattooing nowadays has become an artistic impression to avid tattoo fans. They use their skin as a canvass for their artwork. You will be amazed and fascinated of how some people have very extensive and elaborate tattoo designs.

In ancient times, tattoos serve as identification to certain tribes. Some consider it as a right of passage while others use tattoos to signify their rank and to let the others know of their achievement on the battle field. Recent discoveries tell us that ancient people have been using tattoos as far as the Neolithic age. The very first man discovered to have tattoos was the Iceman Otzi who live 3,300 BC. Though we might not know exactly the reason why they had it, it is certain that having tattoos have a very significant meaning or at least it means something to a particular reason.

Plenty of websites offer tribal tattoo pictures that will truly serve its purpose. You can have it printed and brought to your chosen tattoo artist to copy. The only tricky thing about tattoos is choosing the right artist or shops to ink it on your skin. Even though there are a few cases of blood transmitted diseases through tattoos, it is best to carefully check the credentials of the tattoo artist or shop. Do not hesitate to ask questions. Ask if you can see their equipments and certification. Certain states require tattoo shops and artists to get certified by the health department before they can operate. Ask them to get a skin test first for the pigment or ink they will use on you to check if you have any allergic reactions. Again it is better to be safe than sorry.

Ideas For Men's and Women's Tattoo Designs

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Have you been finding it difficult to zero in on just the right tattoo design? If so, that's probably a good thing. Because tattoos are permanent, they are the kind of thing you should consider carefully. You should look ate several different design portfolios to get ideas. Also, talk to the tattoo artist to see what other ideas they can suggest.Pics_037_large

Regardless of what anybody has to say about what design you should get, you are the one that will be having ink embedded in your skin with a tattoo gun, so it's ultimately up to you. You can still turn to others for suggestions, and there's nothing wrong with getting plenty of ideas, but it will be up to you to refine the list of tattoo design choices before settling on the final one.

Ideas for Men's and Women's Tattoo Designs

It only makes sense that men and women would find different designs more appealing. In general, men will prefer designs that highlight their masculinity, while women will prefer more feminine designs; there are, of course, always exceptions. Think of tattoos as a way of self-expression and these general choices are logical.

A word of caution is in order before we look at some ideas for tattoo designs: No matter how much you are in love, no matter how convince you are that it's a good idea, do your best to resist the temptation to get your partner's name tattooed on your body. Life is funny, and far too many people have found themselves going through a break up only to have the name as a constant reminder of what used to be.

You should be well aware that there are no universal designs for men or women, as each tattoo is based on many different individual factors. While tattoos are a personal decision, one of the factors that goes into choosing one is gender. Even if the final design doesn't seem to coincide with one's gender, it will usually be one of the criteria used in selecting a tattoo (even if it's done at a subconscious level). Even more important is one's taste and style.

Tattoo Ideas

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Tattoo or body art has gained huge popularity over recent times. People of any age group and any social standing may be seen to be sporting tattoos. But they vary from person to person with respect of its designs. People sport tattoos depending on their social positioning and age group. The sported done by women are very different from that of men or hard core criminals! So the more the number of people do tattoo the more is the variety.


But instead of just going to a tattoo artist and get your tattoo done it is much better to go for something unique and ingenious. This not only distinguishes your tattoo from the others but also adds a new idea to the ever expanding realm of tattoo ideas. The tattoo that one wears reveals to an extent the personality of that particular person. So isn't it better to go for something that is unique rather than blindly copying others? As for example if one wants to tattoo a lion on his arm then he can directly draw that animal using colors as used in any other tattoo but instead of just doing this if he does the same tattoo of the animal by joining dots (just as we used to do in our first drawing classes!), that highlights the outline of it then it is not only unique but is also much more artistically appealing.

Tattoo Designs and Placement of Your Body Art

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

If you are looking to get a new tattoo or are ready to join the countless others who have been inked, then you should think seriously about the tattoo designs you like. Some people research different meanings for symbols and meanings, and for others they have an idea that they want replicated on their bodies. I guess it is more important than the actual placement of the tattoo. Great tattoo designs will withstand the years.


Many times people take the designs from tribal or cultural backgrounds and interpret them to their own life and philosophy. For some time there was the trend of having Asian symbols tattooed down the back of many individuals. It then turned to Celtic designs and then there are also other symbols and languages that have been popular also. If you're looking for a design that wont lose effect, I would suggest you choose timeless tattoo designs. This way they wont go in and out of fashion, because you are going to have it long after the trend dies down.

Another thing to think about when you are looking at designs is where you plan on having the tattoo placed on your body. Some designs look better on your torso, and others are better suited to arms and legs, even feet and wrists. Good tattoo designs will compliment the placement you have chosen for it.

Because of the permanency of tattoos, you should thoroughly think about where your tattoo will be, who will see it and what it actually means to you. Certainly some people have tattoo designs that are made to be shown off, to be displayed and worn as a badge of honor. Other times people may choose tattoo designs that are a little more discrete. Whatever your choice, choosing the right design for the right place on your body will make you proud of your decision and the art work that you display for many years to come.

Tattoo Designs - The Best Design For You

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

When you go to a tattoo shop, you will quickly determine that there is basically an infinite number of tattoo designs available. The majority of shops will have multiple stencils, books, and other references from which to select a tattoo. In addition, most tattooers are excellent artists as well, since the act of tattooing is essentially an art form of its own. No matter what concept you have in mind, even if you can't get it down onto paper, your vision can become a reality with a talented tattoo artist. A lot of people would rather get a simple tattoo, like initials or a name, or they want a tattoo that reflects something meaningful in their lives. A few designs are more popular than others when it comes to selecting a tattoo.


Native American imagery is a very popular inspiration for tattoos. A lot of customers will not know a lot about Native American customs or culture, but they are drawn to a tattoo design that is attractive. A lot of the artwork done by Native Americans is quite popular because it reflects this culture as a whole. But, if a person is more aware of certain aspects of the Native American culture, he or she will probably choose a tattoo that has certain tribal significance. If someone is looking for a symbolic tattoo, he or she should perform some research to understand the various symbols that belong to each tribe and what they mean to each tribe. For those people who are related to Native American tribes somewhere down the line, this will be beneficial in learning some lineage and history as well. If you find a tattoo artist who has the ability, you can also get your name done in a tribal design.

A Few Cool Cross Tattoo Designs Ideas

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

For most people, having a tattoo is like everlasting love. A tattoo is something permanent in most cases and stays with you forever. When you are deciding on a tattoo, remember that it's permanent so keep in mind what you are getting or what type of design you want to get. While there are procedures that can remove tattoos now, there are scars that stay behind. For anyone who is looking at getting a tattoo, cool cross tattoo designs are becoming more and more popular and there are thousands of ideas for this type of tattoo now all over the world.


Cool cross tattoo designs are popular because there are thousands of variations to it and for some the cross has special meaning to them for a number of things. It can represent someone's religion, faith, and even nationality among other things. There are many tattoo designs available so when you are looking at getting one you should take your time and pick the one you truly want. There are designs that are simple, and some feature waves, curves or many other shapes. Some look more realistic and have roses, blood drops, flowers, nails and leaves. For anyone who has a Christian faith, this type of tattoo is a way for them to show their belief in Jesus Christ.

Cool cross tattoo designs are not strictly for the religious faith but for anyone in general. There are many designs available and here are a few ideas:

Wood Cross

This is one of the most popular designs and is known as the memory of Christ's death. This is a simple design and there are many tattoo artists that are now adding to them and use different colors and styles in order to make it more realistic.


Another one of the many cool cross tattoo designs is a tribal cross. This is similar to a Celtic cross and usually consists of black as the main color. This type of tattoo is popular with people who already have a tattoo that remembers someone. There is usually no religious meaning to this type of tattoo.

A Brief History of Sexy Tattoos

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Sexy tattoos are a type of professional or amateur decorative tattoo. This is distinguished from the other types of dermis skin markings such as medical and cosmetic ones, and the ones designed for the purpose of identification or branding. Within that field called decorative tattooing, there are a lot of styles and designs to choose from.

The main reason for getting a permanent decorative mark on the body is to assert a certain attitude. It is a modern way of self-expression. It is done to beautify one’s body by modification through art. Before the popularization of this type of body art, the available designs were somewhat limited. When tattooing was done long ago, the colors were limited to natural pigments of brown, black, or blue. The skin drawings usually consisted of dots and lines. These were the first tribal tattoos. Our ancestors did not have themselves marked purely for decoration. The designs had spiritual meanings. Sometimes, they were marks of royalty, or bravery in the warrior class. Some of the indigenous tribes were purported to use these markings in a similar way as sexy tattoos, as rites of passage and to lure the opposite sex, but with the difference of formal ritual being involved. Japanese horimonos were more intricate, traditionally done by woodblock artists of the Edo period in Japan.

Butterfly, Flower and Fairy – Most Popular Feminine Tattoos

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Women with tattoos are very common nowadays and its even growing because of celebrities sporting them. Female tattoos are considered as sexy and attractive. In fact, women like Kat Von D and Suicide girls are the latest sensation mainly because of their tattoos. This is a proof that tattoo has indeed gone mainstream.

Butterfly Tattoo Design

Butterfly tattoos are feminine tattoos with various shapes and sizes and it is the 4th most popular tattoo design after the tribal, star and cross tattoos. These are most popular feminine design also. Butterflies are always been an inspiration for the visual arts. Butterfly tattoo can be considered as first tattoo as it does not need to be big to get noticed. A small butterfly tattoo on the shoulder or ankle can make a difference with its pretty look. Depending on the individual or the culture, butterfly tattoos have a lot of meanings such it is symbolized as rebirth and transformation i.e. it symbolizes new life and new beginning for those who have gone through rough times. This also symbolizes the delicate beauty, as the butterfly is delicate and small. It also symbolizes as freedom, soul, good luck, love, peace etc.

Tribal Tattoos – Top 3 Sexiest Spots For Women to Get Inked

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

It’s hard to ignore how cool tribal tattoos look on a person’s body. Even if you’d never get one on your body, I’m sure you can appreciate the intricacy and rigid yet free-flowing lines of the tattoo design. Tribal tattoos designs are favored by men and women for these reasons among many others.

Tribal tattoos can be drawn just about anywhere on the body but there are a few very sexy spots that every female should consider when deciding where to put her next tribal tattoo.

Top 3 Sexiest Spots for Women to Get Inked

Tribal tattoos can be added to your body to accentuate your greatest features and toned shape. There’s nothing sexier than body art on a lean, sculpted body. Here are a few spots to consider:

Lower back

This area has gotten a bad rep but it can still be a sexy and classy place to get inked. You can get a horizontal tribal tattoo that extends across the small of your back and hips or a simple vertical design in the center of your lower back extending upwards. I’ve seen hearts, butterflies, flowers, celestial elements, and many other symbols added into the tribal design to make it more feminine. You can keep the design simple and basic with one shade or make it as colorful as you want.

Cool Tribal Tattoo Designs

Monday, August 16, 2010

Tribal tattoo designs became progressively famous in modern world of tattoo. There is something special about their simple intensity and beauty that is attracting people who may not even like tattoos. The ennoble curves and solid angles of these black tattoos can be bold strokes across the skin, or intricate and almost lace-like. Some cool tribal tattoo designs contain human or animal figures. Others are strictly symbolic.


The very first tattoo happened on accident.When some primitives were playing around the fire it would not take long for someone to fall in and get poked. Later heal before they'd realized that they were on to something. The news probably spread really fast and prompted the invention. It is rumored that the first tattoos were of the sun or flames in honor of the sun gods.

There were three main factors that took the practice of tribal tattooing from the realm of art and into the plane of the spiritual: pain, permanence and loss of the life source (blood). This mystical trio elevated the tattoo from mere art and transformed it into a chance to draw people into a relationship with god of magic powers.

Best Tattoo Designs

Monday, August 16, 2010

Tattooing may have been practiced for centuries but it gained popularity only in the 21st century, to be more precise over the last 40 years. It is no longer restricted to the traditional worn by the tribes but it has now been able to spread its charm among people of different age group belonging to different strata of society. Depending on their social position people make their tattoos. While women prefer certain types of tattoos reflecting their nature, those preferred by men are completely different. There are huge numbers of people who seem to be looking for tattoos that are symbolic or have a very personal meaning to them. This has given rise to unique forms. The best designs in fact are which are unique and ingenious.


With the changing fashion trends the designs also keep changing continually but the best designs are those that survive not only the test of time but also the tacit test of fashion. Some of the best and most popular designs are star tattoos, angel tattoos, floral tattoos, animal, Celtic, bird, Chinese, kanji, biker and black and grey tattoos.

Star tattoos

According to many tattooists shooting star tattoos are a popular form. A lot of people seem to be getting them because they express their inner desire to be a star. This is very popular especially amongst females. Perhaps it is because pop culture feeds into this desire to be a star. What better way to reach for the stars than by getting a shooting star.

Floral tattoos

Floral tattoos symbolizing timeless beauty is very popular amongst women.

Butterfly tattoos

Butterfly tattoos have been one of the most popular designs requested by females for the past few years. There are so many ways of rendering them in ink as there are varieties of this beautiful insect. From big bold butterflies, tribal style butterflies to small delicate butterfly designs.

Tribal Arm Tattoos in the Modern World

Monday, August 16, 2010

The very name tribal arm tattoos tells you something about these designs. They are very ancient. Many people of Celtic origin are unaware that this kind of arm tattoos played a very important role in the traditions of the ancient Celtic tribes. In fact, this was true of many other very old societies such as Japanese, Maori and African. The tribal arm tattoos and other body tattoos all had a specific meaning. Some of the meanings were spiritual and some showed which clan you belonged to.


In today's modern world tattoos are worn by both men and women. Tribal art has survived up to this day because the designs are so attractive. For example, Celtic tribal tattoos are popular. These designs are usually very complex. For this reason it's important that you only go to a tattooist who is highly experienced. Celtic tribal tattoos are famous for their interlinking swirls. The whole objective of this design is that it appears to be never ending. The arm tattoos are meant to symbolize love or a relationship that has no ending.

Even if you are not in love with a specific person you can wear Celtic tribal arm tattoos just because you admire the design. If you don't want Celtic then why not take a look at Maori tribal tattoos? The Maori are well known for a culture that has kept its tattooing skills. Tattoo is so accepted and such an important part of their tribal culture that men and women are even tattooed on their faces. These are repeating sweeping swirls and are also perfect for tattoos on the arm. There are many people who are finding it a lot easier to connect to their ancestral roots by means of wearing tattoos.

However, there is such an intermingling of world cultures that it's quite acceptable to wear tattoo designs just because you like them. You don't have to actually be a member of a specific culture or tribe. If you relate to the symbolism of the tribal tattoos then you can wear it on your arm. Many people appreciate tribal arm tattoos because they wrap around the upper arm in a natural way. The wrapping goes well with tribal designs because there are intricate loops and swirls. There are many different kinds of arm tattoos with a tribal origin to choose from. It is a good idea to take note of the designs you see other people wearing. Scrutinize the size, color and complexity.

Tribal Tattoo Designs - Popular Look and Popular Style

Monday, August 16, 2010

For hundreds and hundreds of years, cultures across the globe have used special tribal tattoo designs for individual decoration and communal identification. In recent years, the use of tribal designs by modern skin artists has grown exponentially to meet the demand from people of all ages seeking tattoos of this very nature.


Historically, traditional tribal tattoos have been utilized by cultures all over the world for everything from signifying rites of passage and defining social status to augmenting personal beauty and identifying persons of importance. And in fact, the designs of tribal tattoos vary as greatly as the cultures from which they come.

Some tribal art has been traced back to as early as 2000 B.C., and it continues to be used for cultural and social purposes today. Nearly every continent has contributed some form of recognizable tribal tattoo art to the modern-day repertoire.

Tribal tattoo artists may draw from elements originally created by the ancient Egyptians, the North American Indians, West African tribal elders, and many, many more. Although most tattoo seekers today request tribal tattoos based on their visual appeal rather than their social affiliation, the significance of such art cannot be underrated.

Going Tribal - The Beauty of Tribal Tattoos

Monday, August 16, 2010

Tattooing has indeed grown more and more popular over the years. Where before it was shunned by the general public and considered weird, suspicious, and even evil, today it has become one of the most popular forms of art and personal expression. This surge in popularity posed a challenge for tattoo artists to widen the range of designs available in order for tattoos to become more appealing to people from all walks of life. Needless to say, they have risen to the challenge quite effortlessly. There are now countless tattoo designs for you to choose from, and these designs have been grouped into specific categories to make the choice a lot easier for you to make. Celebrity names and faces, cartoon characters and flowers are all popular tattoo designs, but perhaps nothing beats the pervasiveness and timeless appeal of tribal tattoos. What, exactly, makes tribal designs so popular? To what particular factor can its allure be attributed?


First off, tribal tattoos are very striking. Made up mostly of solid black lines and curves, it has the inherent tendency to catch attention and invite curiosity. Most people who see tribal tattoos are immediately drawn to the challenge of deciphering what the tattoo means, which makes it doubly attractive. Furthermore, tribal designs are very versatile. You can choose a preexisting design and use it merely as a base to create your own unique tribal tattoo. You can also fashion a tribal design to convey any meaning that has personal significance to you. But perhaps the best thing about tribal tattoo designs is that they can be very flexible. You can provide feedback while in the process of having a tattoo inked, and the artist can actually make adjustments to your chosen design as you go along. To accomplish this, it is best that you choose an experienced tattoo artist who is good at working freehand.

Tribal Tattoo Designs - Oldest Tattoos

Monday, August 16, 2010

Tribal tattoo designs have been the first tattoo designs to be used. Tattoos originated in various tribes across the world, where members of each tribe would paint or scar certain marks on them. Tattooing is done today by inserting ink in the pores of the skin so as to make a permanent mark on the skin but this originated in various primitive tribes as an extremely crude and painful procedure.


It is known that several tribes such as Celtic, Irish, Chinese, Indian, African, Native American, Maori, etc. all over the world used tattoos. The design themes that these tribes used have collectively come to be known as tribal tattoo designs. Tribal tattoos are generally done in black color.

The tribes generally used tattoos to honor God or to identify members of their tribe. They might have also been used as symbol of bravery and courage, as during those times it was extremely tormenting to get a tattoo. Tattoos were also used to commemorate certain occasions in the life of tribesmen such birth of new born or entering into adulthood, etc. or to mark certain events in the history of the tribe such as victory in a war or end of famine, etc.

Both men and women in the tribe usually get tattoos but men generally get more tattoos than women. Also it is common in certain tribes for men to get tattoos all over their face but women would usually only get tattoos on checks or other parts of their body.

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